Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Great Turning Points For The Future Of Politics

Leroy Eims said " A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see and who sees before others do"
There is a great turning point for change in the future of politics for our nation and for the great nations state of South Carolina. With unemployment rates higher than the national average for district 103 which makes up areas like Georgetown and Williamsburg counties;we are at a great turning point to change the tides of our destiny in our district by returning the power of politics back to the people. As a candidate for the SC House of Representatives seat 103, we must tear down systems of self serving politics that only benefit a few and return the voice to the people.We must have a voice in our state house that can see beyond the challeges of unemployment and create a new vision for addressing unemployment.We must have leadership that will see a brighter future for children instead of accepting the fact our children still cannot meet state standards. We must have leadership that is willing to stand for the people and create a great turning point where all of our voices can be heard and change can be felt instead of just talked about.Yes its time for change in our nation and in the great state of South Carolina .If we must fight to be heard then let us stand up and fight to take back our communities and our voice. As a people we can see further and have greater vision for ourselves and our children. Our turning point begins with us reclaiming our voice by voting for leadership that has a vision created for the people by the people. Your Voice Your Vote.
Jacqueline "Jacque" Williams
Candidate for South Carolina House of Representatives Seat 103

1 comment:

  1. I am the co-chair for the Young Adult Division of this campaign and I must admit that we have proven to be very proactive. I believe that our momentum has put us in a great place to leave a lasting impression on the entire District 103. I am ready to make the changes in my community as well as all surrounding communities in our district.
